School Lane, Freckleton, Preston, Lancashire PR4 1PJ

01772 632350

FRECKLETON Church of England Primary School

Parish School of Holy Trinity Church

Events 2020-2021


Year 4 and Year 5 are returned to their swimming lessons at YMCA Kirkham Rural Splash on Monday 10th May.  They will swim every Monday until the end of the summer term.

Easter Update 16.04.21

Easter Garden Entries

Reception Class Year 1 Year 2
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

easter song - remember me!



Thank you to everyone who took part in this year's World Book Day, you all looked amazing!

Please click on 'Where's Wally?' to watch the fantastic video Mrs Eaves has made of all your lovely costumes and photographs.



Happy New Year

 Merry Christmas from everyone at school


“Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord”

May the light of the Christ child fill your lives and bring you all peace this Christmas time and for evermore.


The children have enjoyed a great Children in Need Day today with a very special virtual visit by Pudsey Bear himself!

Thank you for your generous support of this charity, we raised a total of




 Following the Act of Worship in class for Armistice Day, a group of Year 3 children went to lay the school wreath at the Village War Memorial.

When you go home, tell them of us and say, 'For your tomorrow we gave our today.'

Year 3 children visiting the Village War Memorial  Laying of the School Wreath A moment of quiet




We will remember them

Although we cannot attend the usual Act of Remembrance at the Village War Memorial, we as a school community still remember the sacrifice of those who gave their today so we could have our tomorrow.

We are flying our new flag for Remembrance Sunday and Mrs Ainsworth with some children from the Year 3 Class will visit the Village War Memorial to lay the school wreath on Armistice Day, this coming Wednesday 11th November.

Macmillan Cake & Juice afternoon

The children have enjoyed juice and cake this afternoon and so far we have raised £217 for this worthy cause.


Thank you to LCC Catering for the lovely cakes.  


Reception Class enjoying their cake and juice


Year 5 enjoying their cake and juice