
Freckleton Church of England Primary School celebrating a decade of being a GOOD school.


‘Freckleton Church of England Primary School

continues to be a GOOD school’

(Ofsted November 2022) 


What is it like to attend this school? 

Pupils are proud of their school. They know that its unique history makes it a special place in their community. They see their school as safe and welcoming for everyone. They said that being with their friends and their teachers each day makes them happy.

Adults set high expectations for pupils’ achievement and behaviour. Pupils enjoy learning and they work hard in lessons. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). If they find anything difficult, pupils know that they can ask for help. This helps them to keep moving forward in their learning and to achieve well.

Pupils are typically very sensible in school. Two-and three-year-olds in the early years learn to treat toys carefully. Older pupils walk quietly around the building. Pupils show respect when they speak to adults, including visitors. They know the difference between bullying and falling out. Although bullying is rare, leaders respond swiftly and effectively if ever it occurs.

There are exciting opportunities for pupils to develop beyond the academic curriculum. Some of these activities enable pupils to contribute to their community. For example, they learn to play instruments such as those used in the village’s brass band. They take part in singing events with other local schools. Pupils spoke with enthusiasm about the range of clubs and activities that the school provides.


Freckleton Church of England Primary School has had two full inspections, two short inspections and a HMI Monitoring Visit since 2010. Please click on the links below to read the reports:


Freckleton - Inspection of a Good School Report - November 2022.pdf

Freckleton Short Inspection Report July 2017.pdf


